Mermaid's Forest

Yuta and Mana have both eaten mermaid's flesh and regret their immortality. They now travel world looking for a way to end their immortality and hopefully die naturally in time. Their quest brings them across dark predicaments in which evil takes the form of gready humans searching for the secret of immortality at anycost.
The style and plot at times becomes a little chilling and dark but nothing over the line of horrific. The tale explores desire, human greed, selfishness and their respective consequences. The story progesses between Fuedal Japan in Yuta's memories and modern Japan which adds some interest . At times the storyline becomes a bit predictable with them being immortal and all but this is still a solid and noteable anime.
There were 11 episodes released on Japanese television but the final 2 episodes, which were very exciting, were realesed as dvd only because they were thought of as too "violent." Maybe immortality isn't something we should seek.
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